Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Transport


Tuesday, 12 December 2023




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the meeting of the Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Transport held on Tuesday, 12 December 2023.  The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democracy Support Group no later than 4pm on the second working day after this meeting.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact Ben Jewitt.



4.            Review and Decision on the Parking Permit Emission Level, Daily Property Permit and City Parking Waiver Policies


Resolved: That the Executive Member approved:


i.              That the emission discount level will only be available to Ultra Low Emission vehicles (those with an emission level of 0 to 75g/km).


The Executive member also approved option iii/C as outlined in paragraphs 34 and 37 of the agenda.


Reason: To deliver the required savings as identified in the budget.


ii.            That all “annual parking waivers” used by businesses e.g., window cleaners to be time limited to 2 hours only per parking event, currently there is no time limit.


Reason: To free up the road space for those that need it most, 2 hours should be sufficient for these business types.


iii.           That residents, property owners, as well as trades people will be able to purchase the daily property parking permits.


iv.           Approve that daily property parking permits can be used in occupied properties as well as unoccupied properties, where currently these are only available for use in unoccupied properties.


v.            Approve that the maximum number of daily property permits issued per day be increased from 1 to 3.


Reasons: To respond to requests we have had from customers and where officers feel there is room for flexibility. Gives residents flexibility when tradesman don’t buy their own permit and reduce the impact on residents having to use their visitor vouchers. To recognise the need to have more than one trades vehicle per day per property where trades jobs may well require more than one vehicle. However, to protect the parking capacity it is deemed to extend this only to 3 trades vehicles per property per day from the current 1 trades vehicle per day.




5.            Directorate of Place 2023/24 Transport Capital Programme




i.              That the Executive Member approved the proposed programme of schemes to be delivered in 2023/24.


Reason: To implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities and deliver schemes in order to achieve these aims.

